After Mom's stroke, we knew she needed rehabilitation and began doing extensive research as soon as she was admitted to the hospital. After thoroughly combing through different options, we realized there truly was no option - Woodlake at Tolland was the place for Mom. Our instincts were correct and she was treated like royalty from the moment we entered until her discharge.
- Felicia M.
Woodlake was truly a lifesaver for me! After a medical incident left me needing to relearn everyday activities, the wonderful nurses and therapists helped me regain my strength, mentally and physically. I cannot recommend the facility - or should I say home away from home? - enough!
- Marsha S.
My uncle, Fred, stayed at Woodlake at Tolland after his surgery. In our weekly phone call, he would tell us how much he was enjoying himself. The therapists were amazing, he said the food was tastier than my Aunt Karen's, and the rooms were clean and homey.
- Christina D.